Carol Novello Westwood (born 1844) was Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1883.
Here is some basic information about him from Ashlar Lodge, No.3 records:
- Born 11 September 1854 in Salt Lake City, Utah
- Occupation: Farmer (as of 1876)
- Initiated 15 January 1876
- Passed 18 March 1876
- Raised 3 June 1876
- Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1886
- Suspended 3 March 1920. We will try to find the reason for the suspension.

In 2020 we were contacted by David Forbes, a descendant of the Westwood family, who told us the following:
“The name Westwood is part of our family tree. I was not familiar with Coral Novello Westwood, so I searched it out. You will see the BC Archives death record for him. Other records on FamilySearch and list his birthplace as California.
I suspect he was a relative of Earle Cathers Westwood, the former Nanaimo Mayor and MLA, whose wife was my relative.
There is a BC history report on the Archibald Dick family (also my relatives) that lists the Westwoods came through Salt Lake City on their way to Nanaimo, and that they were ‘held hostage in the tabernacle’ which seemed unreasonable to me. I checked with the Mormon history department years ago and he could find no record of them. It makes a good story, however.
The Westwoods were members of a Mormon pioneer wagon train company in 1852.
My father was William Gardiner Forbes, and a member of the Masonic lodge and president of the Nanaimo Shriners.”
We will add more information about W.B. Carol Novello Westwood as we discover it through additional research.
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